Trust your Hard Drive to Data Recovery to the Professionals!

It is the 21st century now. Technology is the word of the generation. It serves both necessity and vogue. More and more computers, iPods, mobile phones and electronic gizmos like iPad are become part of our life. What is the most important aspect of these technological marvels? It is the data they store. In fact, people don't realize the importance of data until they lose it.
What Causes Data Loss?
Have you recently spilled soda on your external hard drive? Did you, one day, wake up in the morning to see that all the important files in your desktop or laptop is either invisible or inaccessible? Did you erroneously delete the folder containing the only copy of your sister’s wedding photographs or your company’s financial reports? Well, these are some daily examples of data loss. As understood from above, the most common cause is mechanical damage due to physical bad-handling.
However, another common reason for loss of data is logical errors. These are mainly caused by virus attacks and data contamination by hackers. These viruses and hackers gain access to your machines through the loopholes in your security system. And that is why it is so important to have anti-virus, firewall, spyware, etc. installed in your system. But sometimes, even with the strictest of security, doom finds its way. Now, you might think that these damages are permanent and you have nothing to do other than cursing your fate. But remember, where your personal capacity and knowledge end, the skills of professional data retrievers, like us, begin. When the mischief’s done, we brings you the solution.
What is Data Recovery?
In simple words, data recovery is recovering or retrieving lost or fouled data from storage media like CDs, DVDs, hard drives, RAIDs, tapes, etc. that are corrupted, damaged or rendered inaccessible. Depending on the type of damage, the various data recovering techniques are employed.
Why Choose Professionals for Data Recovery?
Did you know, 19% of hard drives crash on the first year of use? And as technology is advancing, we are being provided with gadgets having larger and larger memory space. Quite obviously, everybody is making the best use of the given resources and filling the available space to the brim. This has increased the risks involved in data loss. When one computer is getting corrupted or crashed, it is jeopardizing not less than a whole 160GB of data. This might include personal content or official information. And if it is the latter, then losing it even for a short duration of time can cause a lot of trouble. For example, if that computer contained the sole copy of some price quotes or tender details, losing it just before a bid can cost you an important deal. So, the best thing to do, in these moments of crisis, is to immediately run to the professional data recovery store to get instant assistance.
Now, you might wonder, why to run to the professionals every time. Why not try your own hands on it or ask a techy friend of yours to help you out. The problem is, nowadays, everyone, with a little bit of knowledge about storage devices, thinks he can handle data recovery. But the reality is he or she is not qualified to handle this task. It is advisable to go for professional help directly without messing with the corrupted media. Because, you never know, you might, by mistake, just wipe out the last hope of retrieving those important data. So leave it on us. Let The Computer Doctor do its job.
Did you know, most computer users reported data loss in the past 2 years? Out of this, 74% were from the business organizations and 30% was caused by human errors. So, being indifferent to this very common incident in this hugely populated city will be a foolish thing to do. Just be prepared, because you cannot avoid it. It’s bound to cross your way. No matter how careful you are, after all, every machine has a pre-defined life and capacity. And when the doom does strike, trust The Doctor's Service, because we will never let you down.
What are the services provided?
The talented and dedicated staff always give their best in producing results. The services provided by us are as follows:
The Doctor provides FREE DIAGNOSIS of gadgets. So, if you not a tech savvy or are, somehow, unsure of what treatment, your dear machine needs, we can tell you that immediately. All you need to do is, come to us with it. Moreover, we even let you enjoy the brilliant service of No Data, No Charge! That’s right. We accept money only in return of positive results. After all, we believe it is always a two-way process. So, the next time data loss bugs you, drop in and let us deal with it.
What Causes Data Loss?
Have you recently spilled soda on your external hard drive? Did you, one day, wake up in the morning to see that all the important files in your desktop or laptop is either invisible or inaccessible? Did you erroneously delete the folder containing the only copy of your sister’s wedding photographs or your company’s financial reports? Well, these are some daily examples of data loss. As understood from above, the most common cause is mechanical damage due to physical bad-handling.
However, another common reason for loss of data is logical errors. These are mainly caused by virus attacks and data contamination by hackers. These viruses and hackers gain access to your machines through the loopholes in your security system. And that is why it is so important to have anti-virus, firewall, spyware, etc. installed in your system. But sometimes, even with the strictest of security, doom finds its way. Now, you might think that these damages are permanent and you have nothing to do other than cursing your fate. But remember, where your personal capacity and knowledge end, the skills of professional data retrievers, like us, begin. When the mischief’s done, we brings you the solution.
What is Data Recovery?
In simple words, data recovery is recovering or retrieving lost or fouled data from storage media like CDs, DVDs, hard drives, RAIDs, tapes, etc. that are corrupted, damaged or rendered inaccessible. Depending on the type of damage, the various data recovering techniques are employed.
Why Choose Professionals for Data Recovery?
Did you know, 19% of hard drives crash on the first year of use? And as technology is advancing, we are being provided with gadgets having larger and larger memory space. Quite obviously, everybody is making the best use of the given resources and filling the available space to the brim. This has increased the risks involved in data loss. When one computer is getting corrupted or crashed, it is jeopardizing not less than a whole 160GB of data. This might include personal content or official information. And if it is the latter, then losing it even for a short duration of time can cause a lot of trouble. For example, if that computer contained the sole copy of some price quotes or tender details, losing it just before a bid can cost you an important deal. So, the best thing to do, in these moments of crisis, is to immediately run to the professional data recovery store to get instant assistance.
Now, you might wonder, why to run to the professionals every time. Why not try your own hands on it or ask a techy friend of yours to help you out. The problem is, nowadays, everyone, with a little bit of knowledge about storage devices, thinks he can handle data recovery. But the reality is he or she is not qualified to handle this task. It is advisable to go for professional help directly without messing with the corrupted media. Because, you never know, you might, by mistake, just wipe out the last hope of retrieving those important data. So leave it on us. Let The Computer Doctor do its job.
Did you know, most computer users reported data loss in the past 2 years? Out of this, 74% were from the business organizations and 30% was caused by human errors. So, being indifferent to this very common incident in this hugely populated city will be a foolish thing to do. Just be prepared, because you cannot avoid it. It’s bound to cross your way. No matter how careful you are, after all, every machine has a pre-defined life and capacity. And when the doom does strike, trust The Doctor's Service, because we will never let you down.
What are the services provided?
The talented and dedicated staff always give their best in producing results. The services provided by us are as follows:
- Retrieval of information from mechanically failed hard drives
- Recovery of lost data due to accidental file deletion
- Retrieval of data from RAID system
- Efficient handling of corrupted file systems and retrieval of lost data
- Restoration of corrupted data on laptop hard drives
- Recovery of inaccessible files
- Retrieval of data from damaged external hard drives
The Doctor provides FREE DIAGNOSIS of gadgets. So, if you not a tech savvy or are, somehow, unsure of what treatment, your dear machine needs, we can tell you that immediately. All you need to do is, come to us with it. Moreover, we even let you enjoy the brilliant service of No Data, No Charge! That’s right. We accept money only in return of positive results. After all, we believe it is always a two-way process. So, the next time data loss bugs you, drop in and let us deal with it.